Coaching Services |
Forton Coaching  


Forton Coaching  /  Igniting Excellence In Leadership

Coaching Services

1-1 Leadership Coaching: the numerous benefits

Leadership coaching delivers positive benefits for the leader’s own high performance; developing better stakeholder, individual and team relationships, and the organization’s own wider purpose, vision and values.

Leadership coaching improves staff performance, engagement, and retention - for the whole team.

Much more than developing the individual: effective leadership coaching takes the wider context into account and considers the culture, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

It’s why a recent DDI report stated that professional coaching ranked 2nd (after instructor-led learning) as the most popular choice for developing leaders and why a Cornell University paper concludes that there are:

“numerous benefits of leadership coaching for effective organizational culture, climate, and performance outcomes. Moreover…leadership coaching has the potential to increase employee performance, motivation, and commitment to work and make the environment more creative and open for learning.”

(Source: Eliadis, A. (2023). Coaching History: The Evolution of a Profession. Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict, 27(S1), 1-18)

Gain measurable improvements in people leadership, team/organizational performance and employee engagement

Leaders gain personal and professional benefits and expert professional coaching also plays a critical role in supporting the key challenges of talent development, employee engagement and retention.

Blending high performance behaviours and emotional intelligence to unlock potential and fresh insights, leadership coaching can help in multiple areas, including but not limited to the following:

  • Support transition or change
  • Generate creativity and innovation
  • Provide a new perspective on critical challenges
  • Help shape and communicate a vision
  • Develop critical skills and behaviours
  • Support individual and team development
  • Deliver high performance

Team and Group Coaching Services

Team Coaching enables the whole team to achieve and excel in team purpose and goals

Group Coaching effectively supports individuals in common leadership and management challenges.

Support organizational change and transformation programmes by addressing peoples’ motivation for high performance, continuous improvement and excellence.

Forton’s team coaches are accredited and experienced in team and group settings.

Effective in many scenarios, such as embedding culture and purpose, further developing successful teams, managing the people part of change successfully, and addressing the complex challenges teams face.

We will work with you to identify team coaching objectives, select the best diagnostic tools, schedule the team coaching programme and measure the impacts and outcomes.

Our Leadership Coaches

All Forton coaches and mentors have leadership and corporate experience and hold internationally-recognised qualifications and credentials.

  • They specialise in leadership, performance, and career coaching.
  • All associates are supervised, offered accredited development opportunities, and share a wider coaching community. This means a unique level of quality assurance for Forton Coaching customers.

Forton Coaching offers:

  • 130+ Accredited Consultants and Coaches
  • 30 + locations and languages

Diagnostic Tools

Access the individual and team psychometric assessments and tools you need

We work with personality profiling, team psychometrics, emotions and behaviours at work (for individuals and teams), DISC, and the Hogan Suite, amongst others.


Forton Coaching developed my360plus, based on the Schroder high-performance behaviours, as a total development solution for talent management and leadership development in classic 360o, 180o  and self-assessment options, plus a my360plus tailored team tool.

Discover measurable impacts of coaching

The impact of coaching and the Return on Investment (ROI) often far exceed the resources invested in this service. We provide off the shelf surveys or create tailored tools and  measures to demonstrate the ROI, assess the coaching service, evaluate individual coaches, and establish the evidence for, and impacts of, coaching.

We deliver:

  • Cultural intelligence – invaluable insights into internal barriers to success
  • Coaching impacts – measuring the benefits of coaching against organizational competencies, values and goals
  • Case studies – ways in which coaching has made a difference
  • Coach evaluation – feedback and insights into the coaching process

Forton Coaching's Professional Leadership Coach Training Programmes, accredited by the ICF since 2004