Discussion, Reading and Reflection Activities
Step 1. Think and Discuss - about -
- Your personal goals and objectives for attending.
- If you are in an organisation, we recommend you discuss these with your manager before the course.
- The definition of coaching (see previous page)
- Your role as ‘leader’ in your organisation and what this means to you
Step 2. Reading
Read these articles - download these from the Documents button to the left of your screen
- Reflections on the Coaching Environment -
“We recommend this article because it focuses on the shift towards a coaching environment. However, it was written in 2003, and refers at one point to managers as ‘he’. The world has moved on in 20 years, and we now celebrate many female role models, from world leaders to company directors and managers. We believe that men and women alike can benefit from a shift to the coach-approach to leadership, creating a world of abundant leadership through coaching, trust and partnership.”
- The Role of the Leader Coach
Step 3. Reflection worksheet
Identify some real-life situations that need your attention -
- We recommend that you bring your real life situations to all exercises and one-on-one coaching practice. Just as real life is often challenging and uncomfortable, you can expect to go through the same range of feelings on this course.
- We have provided a sheet for you to identify and capture 5 real and current situations where you personally would benefit from being coached. You may download this sheet from the Documents button to the left of your screen.
Step 4. What's one thing?
- Please refer to the handout in the resources below, and answer the 7 questions. Please interpret Question 6 to suit your particular circumstances.
The Ignite workshop includes practising coaching skills; however, we don't do 'role play' - we call it 'real play' - using our real life situations in the coaching practise.
Before you come to the virtual workshops (Ignite Sections 2 to 4), please think of some current, real-life topics, that you'd like to explore in coaching conversations.
They could be current work-challenges, areas you'd like to develop as a leader or manager, or related to developing your coaching skills.
Download the reflection sheet on this page, fill in your topics and
bring it with you to the workshop.