Content Module 80595 |
Forton Coaching  
Content Module: Developing Materials
Printable Version

Developing Leadership Coaching: module materials


  • For the Timeline, see the excel spreadsheet, below, which you can adjust to your start time.
  • For the Facilitator Guide, see the pdf below.
  • For the Logistics List, see the word document below


Please note, the PowerPoint file below has no video or audio material embedded. 

Video Clips

  1. 13 Conversations About One Thing
  2. Dead Poets Society
  3. Mr. Holland's Opus
  4. Hitch
  5. Mona Lisa Smile


  1. Weak (weasel) Language Demonstration
  2. Powerful Language Demonstration
  3. Script (e.g. for reference and/or translation) - see below
