Content Module 81697 |
Forton Coaching  
Content Module: Content Module 81697
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To support the coaching profession by training coaches to

  • Build a theoretical understanding of the principles and practice of Coach-mentor and Coach-supervisor
  • Apply the ICF Ethics and Competences in the Coach-mentoring and Coach-supervision roles
  • Support others to improve their coaching practice, competences, confidence and ethics

To support and develop

  • The Coach-Mentor/Supervisor’s own and others' emotional intelligence
  • The practice of emotional awareness and resilience as a coach
  • The giving and receiving of constructive and developmental feedback


By the end of this course Coaches will have 

  • Understanding of the distinctions currently made between 'Coach-Mentor' and 'Coach-Supervisor' in the ICF context
  • Explored typical issues and challenges facing coaches, particularly in the corporate, executive and leadership coaching world
  • The practical experience and confidence to deliver coach-mentoring and coach-supervision services