Content Module 81698 |
Forton Coaching  
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1-1 Leadership Coaching: the numerous benefits

Leadership coaching delivers positive benefits for the leader’s own high performance; developing better stakeholder, individual and team relationships, and the organization’s own wider purpose, vision and values.

Leadership coaching improves staff performance, engagement, and retention - for the whole team.

Much more than developing the individual: effective leadership coaching takes the wider context into account and considers the culture, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

It’s why a recent DDI report stated that professional coaching ranked 2nd (after instructor-led learning) as the most popular choice for developing leaders and why a Cornell University paper concludes that there are:

“numerous benefits of leadership coaching for effective organizational culture, climate, and performance outcomes. Moreover…leadership coaching has the potential to increase employee performance, motivation, and commitment to work and make the environment more creative and open for learning.”

(Source: Eliadis, A. (2023). Coaching History: The Evolution of a Profession. Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict, 27(S1), 1-18)