ICF Accreditation | FortonCoaching.com
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Forton Coaching  /  Igniting Excellence In Leadership

Forton Coaching: ICF Accreditation

We're working for a world of more abundant leadership, through mutual prosperity - for people and planet.

Excellence in leadership coaching

In 2000 Forton created the first leadership coaching education programme accredited by the International Coaching Federation in 2002.  Founded by Helen Caton Hughes PCC, Forton as a female led, inclusive organisation (70% female owned).

We saw the need for a coaching style of leadership taking into account the complex nature of organisations and the pressures placed on leaders and managers in today's volatile and challenging world. 

Elements of our approach include:

  • The International Coaching Federation Competency frameworks for individual and team coaching
  • The global VUCA framework impacting on organisations (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)
  • The Schroder High-performance behaviour framework for better leadership and management
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the workplace for individuals, teams and culture
  • The need for positive employee engagement, diversity and inclusion
  • Whole systems thinking

Our commitment to global standards

Our programmes are evidence-based, focused on what works and makes a difference in leadership development and coaching.

To book a no-commitment call with our Principal Coach to discuss your credentialing needs click here.

Our Programmes

We offer foundational coach training, levels 1 and 2 and the new ‘Advanced Accreditation in Team Coaching’. For Continuing Professional Development, we additionally offer 'CCEs' - Continuing Coach Education units.

Advanced Modules
Leader/Manager as Coach
Equipping managers with coaching skills, to give constructive feedback and develop teams
Certified Leadership Coach
Suitable for in-house coaches and those looking to develop a coaching practice
Students choose from one of the following modules to complete their PCC level training:
Professional Leadership Coach
Achieve a leadership coaching qualification, with optional advanced modules
Certificate in Coach Mentoring & Supervision
Advanced skills for seasoned coaches to deliver coach mentoring and supervision services to individuals and groups
Certified Advanced Team Coach
Advanced skills to achieve the new ‘Advanced Accreditation in Team Coaching’ Credentials

Leadership Coach Training Programme Details

For open programme dates, click here (link needed)

Student Policies

Enrollment Agreement

The Forton Mission/Vision for being a coach education provider

Forton Coaching's Professional Leadership Coach Training Programmes, accredited by the ICF since 2004