Are you a seasoned coach interested in…
A few of the top reasons we are so excited:
Cat Williford MCC A born dreamer, disrupter, and storyteller with tell it straight as a shot of tequila Texas charm, Cat Williford is a pioneer in the field of coaching and coach training, dedicating the last thirty years to expanding the profession’s potential. She blends a passion for consciousness expansion and equality with a theatrical background, expertise in communication, archetypes, and storytelling complemented by her vulnerability and ready humor as a coach, trainer, author, and keynote speaker. Currently Cat is Senior Faculty with The Co-Active Training Institute (formerly Coaches Training Institute) as well as with Forton Coaching. She offers women’s leadership retreats and coaching groups. Her book, The Ovarian Chronicles, is an intimate look at the phases of women’s lives, health and the choices they make. |
Bob Hughes PCC Bob is the Director of Strategic Leadership & Coaching for Forton Coaching, part of IDG, with over 30 years of international business experience. He is a successful leadership coach and consultant who has worked at senior levels in large international organisations. He has led teams of up to 200 people, delivered multi-million pound technical products, provided career advice and coaching, with additional support for gender and diversity issues. As part of his commitment to the coaching profession, Bob has served on the ICF Ethics Committee and written a number of papers on internal coaching ethics. He is a also Director of the UK 'Engage for Success' Foundation, serving on the Board and Chairing the 'TAG Steering Group'. |
Pamela Richarde MCC A dedicated explorer and passionate about delving into unknown territories, the last three decades have found Pamela spending her time and energies in the field of coaching. In service of bringing coaching to the world, she partners with the ICF and several coaching education programs. Pamela brings a diverse background in theatre, arts management, senior leadership and martial arts, offering a combination of results-oriented pragmatism, intuition, business experience, compassion, humour and an insatiable curiosity. Presently serves as a Director on the ICF’s Coaching Education board and is faculty at Coach U, International Teaching Seminars, Forton Group and Royal Roads university. |
Programme Overview
This Certificate programme offers an integration of learning styles: Content -rich classes with other experienced coaches, demonstration and debrief with masterful faculty, independent study, direct observation and feedback, and collegial conversation.
The tutors for this course are trained in a variety of coaching philosophies, which provides a richness to the discussions, and supports a diversity of styles. Their deep respect for each other, the ICF core competencies and ethics, and various models of coaching is a unique combination not found anywhere else!
Regardless of the school you originally trained with, this programme is aligned with and maps to the ICF Ethics and Competences for one-to-one and team coaching. We are committed to diversity in coaching styles, all founded on coaching quality and standards.
Interested in finding out more from the creators of this program? Click here to register for the live webinar!
What You Can Expect
Over the course of ten months, you'll explore and dive deeply into a range of topics via intimate group sessions with other seasoned coaches and online multi-media materials; observe master coaching and practice giving feedback to a coach in real time; receive four 1-1 direct mentoring sessions with faculty members and submit four practical and thought-provoking written assignments.
This ICF accredited programme helps you support fellow Coaches to be at their best while addressing:
• Real-life coaching scenarios & demos
• Personal concerns
• Professional challenges
• Ethical standards & guidance
• Coaching competencies and skills
• Personal confidence & resilience
Your Participation Raises and Ensures Standards of Coaching Competencies and Ethics!
We offer an experienced perspective in the complex world of personal, executive, leadership, and team coaching. This programme will:
• Enhance your personal and professional development
• Improve your coaching and reflective practice skills
• Explore a range of issues and challenges experienced coaches bump into
Support Others to Improve
You will gain the skills and confidence to deliver coach-supervision and mentoring services to fellow professionals, supporting them in skills refinement, to develop a robust reflective learning strategy, and deepen their understanding on ethical practise.
Specifically, you will:
• Learn to give clear, concise, and actionable feedback
• Gain clarity on professional boundaries
• Support and develop emotional awareness and resilience