Certified Advanced Team Coach | FortonCoaching.com
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Forton Coaching  /  Igniting Excellence In Leadership

Certified Advanced Team Coach

Team coaching is powerful in many situations: embedding culture and purpose, and further developing well performing teams. Team coaching supports the people part of successful change and addresses the complex challenges teams face.

With a focus on team dynamics and the art of team coaching this programme welcomes coaches at all levels of experience.

Discover valuable insights that can be applied regardless of coaching background and and deepen team coaching skills through this engaging and highly interactive programme.

This practical, relevant programme is valuable to Team leaders and managers, Coaches, Trainers and facilitators.

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Download the 2024 Team Coaching Programme Schedule and Price

Forton Coaching has delivered accredited team coaching training since 2015

Use your coaching skills to support teams to:

  • Achieve transformational change
  • Improve engagement and performance
  • Develop their own leadership
  • Maintain personal wellbeing

For experienced coaches to achieve the ICF credential "Advanced Accreditation in Team Coaching".

Support and enable team success

During this programme we will:

  • Share and explore different models, methods and tools
  • Discover how to support productive team working, achieve high customer and stakeholder satisfaction
  • Review ICF Coaching ethics and coaching competencies as they apply in team coaching.
  • Practise as team coaches in the classroom
  • Explore different diagnostic tools to support team working and learning

Benefits of team coaching

  1. Improve transitions: whether planned or sudden change
  2. New appointments: get up to speed quickly
  3. Increase employee engagement
  4. Support peoples’ wellbeing: turn goals into habits
  5. Better relationships: better collaboration and performance

Forton Coaching's Professional Leadership Coach Training Programmes, accredited by the ICF since 2004